Friday, March 18, 2011

Kroger's Deals - March

12 x packages of pasta - free
4 x cans of diced tomatoes - free
55ft Aluminium foil - $1.49
3 x laundry detergent - $1.25 each

Total = $5.24 + tax

Walgreen Diapers

4 packs of diapers for $10 + tax

Size 5 diapers for $0.09 a diaper
Size 2 diapers for $0.06 a diaper

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kroger's Deals - Free!

18 x Mentos $0.50 = $9.00
2 x Mentos Gum $1.00 = $2.00

I purchased these coupons on ebay, 20 for $3.50. Each coupon cost me $0.175
I used 11 coupons which doubled to $1.00. Making each item free.

11 x $0.175 = $1.925
$1.952 / 20 = $0.0965

So roughly $0.10 per mentos

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kroger Deal - Daytona Week 2

23 Items for $15 + $8 back

Daytona week is a good week to stock on some junk food
Buy 10 Daytona items saves instant $3 and receive $3 after transaction in form of a catalina. Items included in Daytona Sale are denoted with a (D)

6 x Totino's Pizza Rolls (D)
 $1.25 - $0.30 (D) -  $0.40 ($0.40 off 2 doubled to $0.80) = $0.55
6 x Totino's Party Pizzas (D)
 $1.25 - $0.30 (D) - $0.33 ($1.00 off 3 coupon) = $0.62 ($3.70)
4 x Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks (D)
 $1.99 - $0.30 (D) - $0.50 ($0.50 off 2 coupon doubled to $1.00) = $1.19
2 x Pillsbury Grands Biscuits (D)
 $1.29 - $0.30 (D) - $0.30 ($0.30 off 2 coupon, doubled to $0.60) = $0.69
2 x Hefty Zip Bags (D)
 $1.49 - $0.30 (D) - $0.50 ($1.00 off 2 coupon) = $0.69

1 x Coconut Milk
$1.49 - $0.55 - $0.45(doubled to $1.00) = $0.49

2 x Voskos Greek Yoghurt
$1.00 - $0.75 - $0.25(doubled to $1) = $0.00

6 x $0.55 = $3.30
6 x $0.616 = $3.70
4 x $1.19 = $4.76
2 x $0.69 = $1.38
2 x $0.69 = $1.38
1 x $0.49 = $0.49
2 x $0.00 = $0.00
= $15.01 Out of Pocket
Full Price $32.03

Catalinas- On checking out I received 3 catalinas. 2 x $3 for Daytona week and 1 x $2 for purchasing 4 Betty Crocker products.

So I have $8 to spend next time. So essentially you could say my total purchase was $7.01.

Target Deals - Feb 23rd 2011

Total: $2.06 + Tax

2 x Seventh Generation Washing Detergent
$2.69 - $1.50 target web coupon  - $1.00 Printable Coupon = $0.69 each

2 x Jet Dry Rinse Agent
$2.59 - $1.50 target web coupon    - $0.75 Printable Coupon = $0.34 each

2 x Finish Quantum Tabs
$2.50 - $1.50 target web coupon   - $1.00 Printable Coupon = $0.00 each

*to find target coupons scroll down and you will see the link to coupon savings 

+ 0.69
+ 0.69
+ 0.34
+ 0.34
= $2.06 + Tax

Full Price = $15.56
Saved = $13.50 (86%)